Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who can take swimming lessons?
Any child 4 years of age or older can take swimming lessons. Adult classes are also offered but occur at a different time than the children swimming lessons.
2. What happens during swimming lessons
In the beginning, swimmers will learn how to put their face in the water and play games to get them more comfortable in the water. All participants will then learn how to:
- hold their breath underwater
-float under water
-use a kickboard and learn how to kick properly in the water
-move their arms well over their heads when swimming
-swim across the pool from one side to the other
-jump off into the deep end and return to the side they jumped from
-We begin each lesson with a prayer and bible verse, Philippians 4:13, which your child will also learn throughout the week.
3. How many days do swimming lessons last?
Swimming lessons for kids begin on Mondays and finish on Fridays of the same week.
For adult, swimming lessons begin on Mondays and finish on Thursday of the same week.
4. What about the weather?
Swimming lessons will NOT be rescheduled due to inclement weather. We will stick to the original dates and times.
5. What can I do while my child is at lessons?
Parents MUST remain in the parking lot while lessons are being held. On Fridays, parents will be invited to see their child show off their swimming skills!
6. What does my child need for lessons?
Your child needs:
-A towel
-Shoes they can easily room and put back on
-Goggles (please refer HERE for proper goggles)
-If your child needs sunscreen, please put it only on their face as it causes them to be slippery in the water.
-If your child has long hair, please put it up so it stays out of their way while swimming
7. Can I get a refund?
If you fail to show up for a class that you signed up for, you will not get your money back.